In a world grappling with the intricate dynamics of power and governance, the emergence of the OVERRIDE project marks a pivotal moment in history. As global power struggles intensify, citizens across nations find themselves at a crossroads, yearning for a greater say in the operations of governments that seem increasingly disconnected from the populace’s aspirations. Drawing inspiration from the enduring spirit of “We The People” that propelled the signing of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776, OVERRIDE emerges as a beacon of hope and empowerment.

Owning OVERRIDE tokens transcends mere investment; it’s an emblem of a collective awakening, an assertion that the time has come for the people to reclaim their inherent power and redefine the terms of their social contract. This visionary project, [PROJECT]:OVERRIDE, is not just about decentralization but a revolutionary call to exercise our rights to freedom of association and self-determination. It’s a bold challenge to the status quo, questioning the long-unchallenged dominance of government service corporations, centralized banks, tax systems, energy providers, and social media giants - all entities that have profited at the expense of the common people.

The most intriguing aspect of OVERRIDE is its interactive approach, transforming participants into architects of future governance. Through an engaging game-like platform, individuals earn OVERRIDE tokens by completing quests that not only challenge existing governmental processes but also propose more effective alternatives. These quests aren’t mere simulations; they are practical demonstrations of how blockchain technology can revolutionize governance, ensuring that the will of the people is accurately and efficiently represented. As OVERRIDE gains momentum, it sets the stage for a future where outdated, inefficient government processes are replaced with those that genuinely reflect the collective will, sculpting a new era of governance rooted in the true spirit of democracy.


Quests are announced on substack and discord.

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OVERRIDE tokens are listed on GeckoTerminal.


Total Supply

21,122,020 tokens minted on 21.12.2020
Contract Address: 0x71e64383B4feF62426DD1F7483DF75F832b84722


14,081,346.66666 tokens (1/3 of total supply) circulating as of 21.12.2023.


7,040,673.33333 tokens (2/3 of total supply) time-locked until 1/3 unlocks 17.03.2024 and remaining 1/3 unlocks 20.04.2024.

What is the 
First 1,000 NFT?

Membership-verification as a founding member with access to the private founding member Discord channel and the First 1,000 private discord channel.

As one of the First 1,000 you qualify for splits on the VerusIDs sold.

learn more

Our timeline of events reflects the American Revolution by initiating token unlocks on key American events, as in the year 1776.



21.12.2023 = 10.01.1776
Complete by: 21.01.2024
  • Mint total token supply 
  • Mint First 1,000 NFTs
  • Launch liquidity basket on GeckoTerminal 
  • Open NFT-gated discord



17.03.2024 = 06.04.1776
Complete by: 18.03.2024
  • Unlock 1/3 token supply
  • Activate State/Province/ Territory VerusIDs
  • Allocate 9.6% of tokens to CANADA@, AMERICA@, + AUSTRALIA@ accounts



20.04.2024 = 10.05.1776
Complete by: 21.04.2024
  • Unlock remaining 1/3 token supply
  • Initiate Real-World Quests
  • Begin payout of OVERRIDE token rewards



Date to be Announced
Activate by: Pending TBA
  • Launch basket currency on Verus Blockchain 
  • Establish strategic partnerships
  • Initiate development of AR OVERRIDE-layer.

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Send to: projectoverride.crypto

Donate to OVERRIDE@
Send Verus Coin (VRSC) to OVERRIDE@ in Verus Mobile

Founder and Lead of [PROJECT]:OVERRIDE contact via email: